Mowing the pasture for the cows

You're never too young...

Shooting lessons from Aunt Kate
Take that you mangy varmit!! (or sailboat in this case)

We bought a little plastic sail boat from Wal-Mart (where else in East Texas?), filled it with "Great Stuff" (expanding foam that is great for a lot of home repair, we have found) and set it to sail on the pond. As the wind blew it across the pond, we pelted it with bee-bees and the occasional pellet. When our arms were tired of cocking our trusty Red Riders, the men blew the sail boat to smithereens with the shot gun. Good times folks...all we needed to be complete hicks was some beer and a few wife-beater shirts for the men folk. As my younger brother sang for us:
I'm a rootin' tootin' cowboy with my hand on my gun.
FREEZE you mangy buzzard, reach for the sun.
See ya'll later.
(Oh, and I know some of you will be appalled, but the children were well supervised, and seeing as how there was no alcohol involved, all parties were careful and in their right mind.)