Monday, October 24, 2011

Goodbye Terrible Twos?

As Rose nears her 3rd birthday, something very unexpected has been happening; Rose is chilling out. Lately, she is quieter, calmer, and less...well, crazy. I have found her sitting quietly in her bed, looking at comic books, listening to music for an hour at a time. She will play quietly with her legos or squinkies for hours. It is all very un-Rosie-like. I'm not sure what to think about it. She's not completely calm - she will still stand at her post on the top of the slide and yell at the dog across the street to "go to sleep, dog!" and scream at passing cars, but other than that, she has really mellowed out. We hear "the scream" less and less (which I am totally OK with). I don't know...I don't want to speak too soon or jinx myself, but I think the twos may possibly be worse than the threes for Rose. Claire was a three-year-old from you-know-where and William was always his sweet little self. Who knows, but it's kind-of weirdin' me out.

The Rose I'm used to...mopping the car.


Molly said...

I love the idea of her screaming at passing cars. It's like having a dog with a vocabulary. I got your package yesterday. Thanks for the patterns. Maybe I should learn to sew now. :)

Angie said...

Haha! Reyn had wonderful twos, but when she hit three, the terrible "threes" came with a vengeance! Just when I thought I'd made it through...