Well, it's here. My computer arrived last night. The keyboard layout is a bit different, making me erase a large percentage of what I type, but I'll get the hang of it. And while it's great to have a computer that works, I forget how much I hate getting acquainted with a new operating system and having to "personalize" it all over again. Again, I'll get the hang of it.
But while I have been waiting for its arrival, I have been a busy bee. My many projects are all underway and I have spent the last three days making a quilt and staining furniture. The project above was an inexpensive way to test my staining skills. In the end, I didn't love the color for my other projects, so I did end up buying a darker stain. But last night, I finished putting on the three coats of finish and it was a success! Now onto the real stuff - they have color, but need finishing.
I think I like finishing wood, but I'm not sure yet. I'll wait until it's all done to decide - things could go very badly yet.
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