Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Girls

Some of my best girls

One of the best things about our move to Illinois, has been getting to know some of the most amazing women. It had been years since I had a good friend nearby - many had moved on to other places. I haven't lived near family in 11 years, and it doesn't look like that will be changing anytime soon. But amazingly, our little church ward was chalk full of awesome ladies. I have learned so much from them (I get the best advice and support from them) and they are always there. I know I can at least count on one of them being available, should I need something. Illinois would be a very lonely place without the girls!


Amy Phillips said...

Amen. I love this ward.

K Family said...

I am full of envy--I'd love to hug every last one of you.

Stephanie said...

I have truly been at a loss without you all! I miss our time at playgroup and all the stuff we share. We were truly spoiled to have such an amazing group of truly amazing women there! Love you all!