Thursday, November 3, 2011

Whatnot etc,

No pictures today - laptop crashed. But I'll give a brief update for those of you I don't communicate with often and for personal history purposes. We've had a busy week, some good, some bad.

Monday was of course busy with Halloween.

Tuesday was clean up and recover day, had to pick up kids from school because William had a bloody nose that wouldn't stop so he couldn't ride the bus home.

Wednesday was the usual until Rose fell off the couch, onto the coffee table resulting in 5 hours in the ER and 4 stitches.

Thursday (today) was taking kids late to school because I was up until 3am because of the ER, and the kids didn't fair much better, squeezing in a parent/teacher conference, playgroup where Rose got a nasty nosebleed (it didn't last long, but it wasn't pretty), washing bloody clothes while Rose and I napped, Project night and here I am.

I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a little calmer and less bloody. Some good, some bad. I take them as they come.


Molly said...

Sounds like you've had quite the exciting week. Sorry to hear about Rose. Sorry you guys had to spend 5 stinking hours at the ER. Good thing it wasn't serious, right? Gee Wiz. Well, I hope your day is less bloody and more restful.

Angie said...

I hope Rose is doing well! Poor thing!