Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Well, I had big plans for my blog today, but due to bad lighting, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to take a picture of my most recent project. So until then, here are some pictures from the last few days.

William burned his arm on a baking pan while trying to get a biscuit that I had just pulled out of the oven. He sat on the couch with a cold rag on his wrist for hours. Poor thing.
We kept Claire home from school Monday because we had to have the doctor check a few things before we could send her back to school. This is how I found the kids that morning.

Just a few pictures from our unseasonably warm day yesterday.


Jennifer said...

So I'm enjoying the picture quality on what I'm assuming is your new camera--that pic of the two of them... the third from the top I think... is too cute!

Justin, Kalee, Jackson, Ava and Gabriella Peacock said...

These outside pictures are so great! What great lighting and stuff. I cannot believe how old William is. It seems like he has transferred from the baby stage to the big boy stage! I LOVE your couches...so cool!

Anonymous said...


What a change in the weather from last week when you were practically snowed in. I bet the kids had a wonderful time being outside in the "spring-like" weather. Sandy