Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Farewell, my friend...

For those of you who know me, I enjoy a good Dr Pepper. I didn't always. Coming from Texas, all of my friends grew up drinking this stuff and come high school, I spent a lot of time at their homes drinking...well, Dr Pepper. There are have been years of not touching it, but during my pregnancy with Rose, I had chronic headaches that continue today. Dr Pepper gave me enough caffeine to kick the headaches with some help of a pain killer.

But in the name of frugality, I'm giving it up...again. Is doesn't make sense to save money not using my dryer only to turn around and spend those saving on DP. So for the sake of my health (look, I know it's bad for me, I am fully aware of the bad qualities) and my budget, I'm kicking the habit.

So here's the thing: I am SO tired! I didn't realize how much of my energy came from the caffeine. Holy cow, so so tired. I am definitely going to be less productive than before. Man, no wonder those coffee drinkers get so much done in a day. I just hope this is temporary because, crap.

1 comment:

Sendingluv2u said...

I'm sorry! Caffeine is so addictive! I'm sure the side effects will wane in a few days. In the meantime, catch up on your shows before you have to cancel cable.