Friday, September 30, 2011


A lovely, but crazy friend of mine has offered to have my three kids join her four kids (one of which is a few weeks old) for an evening of fun so that my husband and I can go out. I will admit that I can't remember the last time we did something, just the two of us. It must have been last year.

Anyway, our weekend is off to a good start as we have a full, fun day planned for tomorrow. I love Octobers here in Illinois. It is my favorite month; the leaves turning, fall activities are in full swing and the weather is perfect. Come November, it will be cold until spring. Right on cue, while we try to enjoy our perfect month, lots of other things keep cropping up to keep us busy. So Ryan and I will battle to keep our one useful month free in order to enjoy our family and nature.

I always have good intentions to blog over the weekend, but it never happens. So be on the lookout Monday for some mind-blowing pictures and inspiring prose. Well, maybe not mind blowing...

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