Friday, September 7, 2007

Party Pooper

I told the kids this afternoon, as we were playing on the swing set, that since Dad was going to be camping with the Scouts, we would have a party tonight. Claire was very excited and William didn't have a clue. However, as the afternoon progressed, the kids started bothering each other. I had to break up a couple of fights and sent both kids to their rooms several times. Needless to say, I didn't much feel like having a little "party" tonight with these two monsters. We were going to make cookies, rent a movie and eat some popcorn. Now there aren't going to be any cookies, I'm putting the kids to bed in half an hour (at 7pm) and I'll watch the movie and eat popcorn in peace and quiet - alone. Claire keeps asking when the party is going to get started and I have informed her that I don't much feel like giving a party when she and William have been behaving so badly. Luckily for us, (and poor Ryan) these Scouting camp outs will be every month or so, so we will have plenty of time to "party".

I'm holding my first garage sale tomorrow. Ryan is really freaked out that I won't be able to handle it alone, but I think I'll be fine. I don't have a lot of stuff to sell, so it shouldn't last too long. It's also supposed to rain on and off around this area. We'll see how it goes. It's time to throw my stinky kids in the bath, read them a story and put them to bed.


Jennifer said...

It just reminds me of that “Mom Phrase” that I find myself using more often these days: “I TRIED to do something nice for you kids….”

The Bergmans said...

Funny. You are funny. We like your blog. It is funny. You made me laugh, I though it was funny.

No really, we do like your blog and it honestly is funny. Thanks for sharing! By - Jason

Alexis told me she didn't want her name attributed to my lame comments... Hmm...

Molly said...

It seems like our "parties" are the same way. Anytime I plan for something fun, they fight all day. Or, if we do something fun at the beginning of the day, when we are done in the afternoon, they are fighting. After each one of these episodes, I feel like saying NEVER AGAIN! But, then, time goes by and we have another party....

I don't think I'll ever learn. I guess I just have way to much fun.