Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I have a few minutes before I have to get ready to leave for a day full of teaching and I wanted to write a quick post since it's been awhile. I have a bunch of pictures to share, but I have yet to do it. Now about my last post, I tried something new where I have Picasa upload the pictures onto my blog (Picasa and Blogspot are both google programs), but it didn't work. I'm not sure why, but I won't do that again. I might try to re-post those pictures, but I may not. Anyhow, I hope you are all having a fun Halloween. Here are our plans:

9:30: take William to babysitters
10-1:30: teach lessons
2-3: help with Claire's class Halloween party
3-4: carve our Jack-o-lantern
5:00: pick up missionaries for dinner with friends
5:30: have dinner with friends
6:30: possibly take kids out for a little trick-or-treating
8:00: read a scary Halloween book, baths and bed for the kids

That's roughly our day. It should all be a lot of fun, but I'm going to be running around all over the place. I still have to make some repairs to Claire's costumer this morning before I leave. She is going to be a mummy, but some of the bandages fell off at the church Trunk-or-treat last week.

Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...


It sounds like a very busy, but fun day. I'm sure that the kids will have a wonderful time dressing up and trick or treating --it is so magical for kids! Will Claire get to have a Halloween party at school? Have a great day!


Molly said...

Busy, busy! I hope Halloween was fun for everyone.