Saturday, February 2, 2008

Junpin' on the Bandwagon

Seeing as how everyone else has posted their snow day pictures, I thought I might as well too. I was actually planning to do it yesterday, but the batteries in my camera died before I could upload the pictures. So after an expensive trip to Target today, the camera is equipped with new batteries. Some of the pictures are from yesterday, some are from today. As many of you know, we had a big snowfall Thursday afternoon and all that night. School was canceled Friday, so we had an unexpected vacation. We spent the morning cleaning and a couple of neighbor kids came over to play. I had planned to go to a friend's house that morning, but I was waiting around for the snowplow to come down my street. I think it came very early in the morning when it was still snowing so the road was just covered up again. Those of you who have been to my house know that I live on top of a big hill, so I was a little concerned about going down it. Well actually, going down might be a little too easy, it's coming up that's the hard part.

Anyhow, the plow wasn't coming and I was tired of waiting, so I got out the shoveled the driveway while the kids played in the snow. We then went to a friend's home and proceeded to go sledding down the awesome hill in their backyard. We had a great time and got thoroughly tired and wet. I had brought a change of pants to change into after sledding since I didn't have any snow-pants. Well those extra pants proved very useful. After changing into them, we had hot chocolate - I made a major mess while trying to put the lid on William's sippy cup filled with hot chocolate. Enter the original pair of pants now in the dryer. So after cleaning the hot chocolate off of the stove, counter, floor, wall and cabinets, I went downstairs to retrieve my first pair of pants from the dryer and change into them. After I changed and rinsed out my other pants in the sink, I realized that I had locked myself in the bathroom. Claire heard my desperate knocks, retrieved my friend and after a little bit of work, my (I'm sure a little exasperated) friend freed me from the bathroom. Now all of this could have been embarrassing had this kind of stuff never happened to me, but seeing as how it does, I just laughed a lot.

I hope all of you had a good weekend. I had better get going since I have 7 chapters to read in the Book of Mormon and then the lesson to prepare; my Saturday night routine.

William tackled Claire and then proceeded to head-but her in the stomach


I don't know what William's doing here, but he looks very cute.

Beautiful Claire

This was from today. I shoveled the front driveway (yes, we have two) so that William could ride his bike while I worked in the garage.

1 comment:

Justin, Kalee, Jackson, Ava and Gabriella Peacock said...

That "beautiful Claire" picture is gorgeous! I LOVE her coat! I'm with William-I don't like touching snow either, but I love watching it. Snow days are the best! We haven't had really any good storms I am feeling a little jealous of your snow fun!:)