Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Sitting in my rocking chair the other day, talking to the kids, they suddenly looked taller.  But I just measured them a month ago; surely they haven't grown that much.  Well, William grew an inch and a half, and both girls grew one inch each in ONE month's time!  That would explain the ravenous appetites as of late.  

Here's a pic of those nasty mushrooms, or whatever they are.  
Truly icky and you can smell them before you see them.

Since the weather is amazing, I've spent a lot of time outside, catching up on yard work before the heat and humidity starts up again.  I pulled three 5-gallon buckets of weeds from our side flower bed.  It's in the part of the yard I hardly go, so I kind of forgot about it.

As we get ready for our summer plans and trips, I'm amazed at the amount of equipment needed for five people!!  Water activities alone call for many, many things.  Life vests, water shoes, swim suits, sun block, beach towels, sunglasses.  That doesn't even include the actual water equipment - I think I'll leave that part to my brothers.

I think someone is ready to go to the lake.

Thankfully, we already have some of that stuff, but since my kids have grown so much from last summer, I've had to buy a lot this year.  Hooray for gender-neutral colors that can be passed down from kid to kid (except for the baby who gets pink when I have to buy new - poor Claire has to wear blues, blacks and grays).

Oh, and camping equipment!!  We're trying to figure out sleeping arrangements. We bought our tent when we had 1 kid.  Our tent is meant for 6 people, but that's without any type of bed and no room to spare.  Cots would be awesome, but so expensive!  Do we just get air mattresses?  Or should we just get a bigger tent!  Help me people!


Sandy said...

For you and Ryan, a big double air mattress would be nice, but kids can get along very nicely on "closed cell" back packing pads (about $10) You can order them from, if you can't find them in your store. No need to blow them up, just unroll and thats it.
As for room in the tent...maybe try to keep just the bare essentials in the tent and the rest in the car. Happy camping!

Jennifer said...

Hold on, hold on. When are you going camping? We have a tent that's for 8 or 9 people. You can borrow ours if you need it (but I'll warn you that it seemed like it took forever to put up, and it seemed like the directions were written by someone that doesn't know English.) For sleeping arrangements we normally have Tavis and I on an air mattress; we'll put unfolded sleeping bags down for the kids to sleep on top of and then we have blankets for them to use.