Wednesday, March 24, 2010


After all of the flurry of yesterday, today was rather quiet. I'm sure our productivity coincides with the sunshine. Rose has recently shown an interest in coloring. In the past weeks, she has managed to color on the wall, Claire's homework, the kitchen table, some scrapbook pages I was working on, the floor and my journal. Thankfully, nothing was ruined (of course the wall had to be painted) but now we have to be diligent in keeping any type of writing utensil out of Rose's reach.

A few weeks ago, I was in a bit of a sewing frenzy. I made a dozen dish towels, a sundress for Rose and a skirt for myself. The dress for Rose was my first attempt at smocking. It looks much cuter on her than on a plastic coat hanger. I now want to make one for Claire; a project for next month. I have fabric for another dress for Rose and Claire is going to sew herself a skirt for church. Every thing's ready; we just need to sit down and do it. But it seems such a shame to stay indoors on these perfect, spring afternoons.

This last picture is of my optimistic "clock", as William calls it. It consistently reads 10 degrees higher than the temperature actually is. At least it's consistent.
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1 comment:

Jennifer said...

The dress looks great! Way to go!