Thursday, May 10, 2012

Highwood General

A few weeks back, continuing with our money unit, the kids and I set up our very own general store.  Elizabeth (Claire) was proprietor.  She later hired James (William) as her stock boy and assistant.  
 The store was complete with all things old-fashioned, even the prices weren't bad!

But what's a store without some customers?  Enter: me.  My elder sister taught me well in all things theatrical.  With the help of a dress-up box and some very fine accents, I was able to assume the roles of:
*Martha Jane, a country woman
*Rich lady, complete with velvet gloves and sounded just like Catherine Hepburn, Dahling!
*A Princess (I had to wear my wedding gown for this, it was slightly immodest as I couldn't zip it up over my guns) who beat up the snobby rich lady and stole her purse
*Gypsy named Bertha who tried to steal everything under her shawl
*Jim Bob, an old country man
*Old blind lady (I can't remember her name) - I went in with my eyes closed, knocking everything over, the kids were in hysterics

at this point, I was running out of useful costumes and getting to the dregs of the dress-up box, so....

*a scary ghost names Duke
*a nice ghost who was a bit of a klepto
*a delivery guy who brought everything bought back so the kids could restock the shelves

and a few more characters I can't remember.  All in all, I think there were 15 customers.  Each time I came around the corner, the kids had no idea what to expect.  They always treated the customers kindly, helped with purchases, totaled the money, made change, and James helped me carry my purchases and even had to act as a security guard at times.  He has a firm grip.

We had so much fun.  We played for about 4 hours and we were all worn out by the end, but the kids begged me to do it again.  I think I may need to come up with some new costumes before then!


Molly said...

You are so much fun! Way to go. I love you characters. I wish I could have seen it. You are so neat and organized with your jars all labeld. I tried labeling my dry goods once. Peanut pulled every sign off. Oh well. Dahling, you sound mahvelous. Really you do.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Susan. You are so awesome. And I'm jealous that I didn't get to play!