Monday, January 14, 2008

1982 vs 2007

So as we were on the lookout for the bus from our dining room this morning, Ryan calls Claire over to the computer to look at the recent pictures of her cousins from Ryan's side of the family. They are two of the cutest little kids, but I made the comment that they really don't look like our kids at all. However on my side of the family, a lot of the cousins have my family's look to them. Does that make sense? Anyhow, I pointed out that Claire looks a lot like me when I was a little girl and William looks a lot like my Dad did (William's Grandad). Claire asked if I had any pictures of myself when I was little and I could only remember having one. I quickly pulled it out of my scrapbook and showed it to Claire. It was the first time I've looked at this picture in years. I was quickly struck by the fact that the little blond girl from 1982 (maybe '83) looks a lot like William. For those of you who know William, you know that he sucks on his bottom lip when he's nervous and/or tired. I tried to find a good picture of William sucking his lip and this is the best I came up with. So here they are:

William - Oct 2007

Susan with a little friend - 1982

Does anyone else see the similarity? Crazy.


Stephanie said...

So we now know what william would look like if he was a girl! Wow! I am going to have to get some of my pictures out, everyone tells me that breanna looks alot like me.

Molly said...

That is really amazing. I always thought Claire looked just like you and I know that Claire and William have similar looks, but I just didn't realize how similar he is to you! It's amazing. Do you remember that friend's name in the picture? It is deep in my memory and I can't retrieve it.

SLC said...

His name is Garland.

The Bergmans said...

Spittin' image!

Jennifer said...

Look at how blonde and tan you are!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am just amazed at how much he looks like you! Who would have thought.....

Justin, Kalee, Jackson, Ava and Gabriella Peacock said...

Wow! I definitely see a resemblance! Do you have any pictures of Ryan when he was little? It would be fun to see a comparison!