Friday, May 22, 2009

Pictures, Parties and Pits

More pictures of the kiddies. By the way - this is Rose, not baby William. Though she is wearing blue plastic pants and looks just like him, it is Rose in these pictures. I put her on the floor to eat sweet potatoes and she got a hold of the spoon and bowl, making a huge mess of herself and the floor. When I gave her a bath afterwords, the water turned orange.

William is my pro tricycle rider. Here he is in his p.j.s, waiting for the bus with Claire. He is wearing the shorts that his best friend Zach handed down to him, which William reminds me of every time he wears them. "MOM! Dees are Zach's pants. He give dem to me!"

I was not around when this happened. I think it must have been one of the rare evenings I was gone somewhere. Poor thing, it's amazing what babies can do when they're tired enough.

William assembled this little birthday party. I like the mixed company of My Little Ponies, a tiny stuffed dog and Lightning McQueen. Check out his party hat.

I went a friend's home for lunch yesterday and she is currently having a new septic system put in. Let me just say, her back yard looked like a giant muddy, destroyed, construction zone. That's what we're in for. I thought about that as I was mowing my swampy leach-field this morning. Eventually, that side of my yard will look like my friend's back yard. At least it will cut my mowing time by half! And isn't that a good thing?


Justin, Kalee, Jackson, Ava and Gabriella Peacock said...

What a cute girl! I love the sleeping are so funny. I always think it is funny when Ava falls asleep in her high chair eating lunch! I just think all of William's toy set-ups are hilarious!:)

Sandy said...

I love the pictures of the kids --they are so sweet!