Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Skirting Work

Several factors led to me sewing three skirts in one day. Leaving for vacation in a few days has kept us from grocery shopping as we try to eat everything we already have. That led to having some extra money in the budget this week. Then there was that big sale at the fabric store along with the coupons that came in the mail. Then patterns at Hobby Lobby were 99 cents, causing me to stock up. So I had fabric, patterns, and time. So than in less time it took a movie to play on my laptop, I sewed the star skirt and lemon skirt.

This was a really easy pattern, only one ruffle to gather this time.
For our 4th of July celebration in Texas.

I loved this fabric, but it was too expensive. But thanks to a sale, I was able to buy enough to make this skirt. The pattern was super easy and I will definitely be using it again! There are four panels along the bottom.

The brown skirt took the longest. It has a panel and two gathered tiers. Next time, I will add another tier. This is where a serger would come in handy.

During sewing breaks, I spent a lot of time holding the baby. She has a cold, making it hard to sleep lying down. Oh, and excuse the fake food all over the floor.
All of this sewing comes with a price (figuratively and literally). I'm spending today cleaning the house, as no dishes or laundry got done and the kids had the run of the house.


Sandy said...

The skirts looks great! I'm so proud of you. I can relate to how the house goes down the tubes when you are working on a project, but I have never found another can't do everything at the same time. Sorry to hear that Rose is sick. 'Hope she feels better before your trip.

gwennythepooh said...

I really need you to teach me how to sew...maybe in September, when your kids are back in school. :)

Jennifer said...

I'm impressed!

And stop kicking all of our crafting butts already! Yesterday evening when I should have been working on many of the various projects on my list, all I did was watch a 48 Hours Mystery.

Molly said...

You are so cool! Neat skirts. I like your lemon one.

Anonymous said...

Love the skirts. If you have any extra fabric to match I made an easy headband today that I saw on Rochelle's blog .

amelia said...

The 4-panel lemon colored you have the name of the pattern or company?