Wednesday, June 17, 2009

William my boy, you're crazy.

What can I say? The kid makes me laugh. He says the funniest things - I don't know if that's the age, just him or a bit of both. I hope he doesn't outgrow it. For instance, I was mopping the floor and when William saw that the floor was all wet, he says in his usually loud voice,
"Hey! Mom! What you doing in here? What is this? Oh man, what a mess. I'm hungry mom. You clean it up?"

For those of you who know William, you can just imagine this being said in his funny deep voice.

He can also be exasperating at times. In the library (we went today), he cannot understand that he can't yell everything he says! He is SO loud. Then he won't stay with me, he likes to wander the isles and peek at me from behind books. I'll be looking through some books on a shelf and then I'll see this little arm poking through from the other side. "William, get over here!" Then I hear a low chuckle as he runs off again.

These pictures are classic William - shirt, underwear on backwards and my shoes - out for a romp, looking at the "toad-frog".

Laughing quietly to himself.

Showing me the toad buried in the mud, behind the compost bin.

Today William was sitting on the potty and started yelling, "Quaire (Claire)! I'm doing big poops! Uh oh! Mom, it's getting stinky - quick turn on the fan! Dank you Quaire. I'm almost done with my poops. MOM! I'm done! I'm DONE MOM! MOM!! I'M DONE! Thanks Mom. I flush it? Whoa - those were big poops. Mom! The poops are stuck! The water's getting higher. Come get the poops out mom!"

This is a typical example of my funny boy - his latest words to me as he brings me his little MP3 player..."Mom, it's bwoken. My stupid newsic (music) doesn't worse. ARGHH! I hate it! Oh, you fix it. Danks Mom. "

I love it!


Angie said...

Teeg is exactly the same at the library- doesn't get that he can't yell everything he wants to say. And in church, too. It can be frustrating.
And I can't wait until he's more understandable with his speech, because I bet he has a lot of funny things to say, too!

Molly said...

The poops thing made me laugh so much, I just woke up the kids! Geez, thanks William.

My three year old cries in every store we go too. Wanna trade?