Monday, January 12, 2009

Blessing Day

A few weekends ago, my parents and grandmother took the train up from Texas to be here for Rose's blessing. It was wonderful having them there and I am so thankful they took the time (and money) to come.

Ryan did a wonderful job with the blessing, even though Rose was a little upset about having to wait so long for her second breakfast. She looked beautiful in the gown that Claire wore when she was blessed almost 7 years ago.

It's hard living so far from any family. My kids have the best grandparents on earth and it's sad when they only get to see the kids once or twice a year (sometimes more, sometimes less).

On a good note, I do have some wonderful friends that are almost like family. If I have to live far away from family, I couldn't have asked for a better set of friends.

Today was once again unintentionally busy - but in a fun way. I did my usual morning routine at the Y and then we had a friend come over and play with William. They had a great time together and when Claire came home, she joined in on the fun. After the whirlwind of dinner, Family Home Evening, baths, books, prayers and bed, it feels good just to sit down and relax. I was almost caught up on my laundry for the day until Rose decided to empty the contents of her stomach all over me when I was on the phone about some Girl Scout business and couldn't shout for help from Ryan, which he interpreted my desperate looks of help as being annoyed at the phone call when I was in fact covered in curdled milk, holding the baby with a boppy in my lap trying to keep the milk on me and not let it run down onto the couch. Once he got the message after Rose's third upheaval of milk, he quickly grabbed a clean rag that was conveniently in the laundry basket nearby, waiting to be folded. Whew. Thus, another load of laundry. So much for her dinner.

1 comment:

The Trees said...

Love that dress! How nice that your family could come up.