Friday, March 27, 2009

An Experiment

Looking at our family pictures, I noticed that I am not in any of them except the occasional picture Ryan takes of kids and I just happen to be in the background. This is fine with me, except that I would like documentation for the kids' sake that I did in fact exist in their childhood and I was sometimes fun to have around. So I discovered the self-timer on my camera, pulled out our tripod that Ryan rescued from a garbage pile years ago, and snapped a few of the kids and I. I set the camera up so that it would take multiple pictures, seconds apart. What I ended up with were a few OK pictures and a lot of silly ones; it was a windy day. So here are a very few of the many my camera took. *Oh, and I know the pictures are crooked, I told you it was a literal piece of garbage tripod.

The girls

I love the look on Rose's face- priceless.

Check out that look on William's face - he made that face that whole round of pictures.

I'm still dealing with a sick kid. This is the third day of fever with William. Poor boy; I know he must be miserable. Don't panic and wonder why I haven't taken my child to the doctor - it's a low grade fever of around 100-101 and this is going around our area. No symptoms but a fever. He should be OK tomorrow. I'm just praying that the baby doesn't get it. So, back to my dark house, loads of laundry, dishes that I can't seem to keep up on and skimming through library books. Maybe ONE day we will be able to go outside and enjoy this beautiful weather.


Amy said...

Susan, I seriously LOVE these!! You look really great in them, and your kids are going to be so glad they have them. That second shot rocks. And I love that you did some self-timer-while-playing-outside images... I wouldn't have thought to do that. Way to go, girl.

kellyclay said...

I love the pictures of you!!!