Claire came home from school yesterday, very worked up over leprechauns. I think she had convinced herself that they really exist and that they're out to get her. This is something like how she explained it to me.
Mom, every March, things keep happening to me like at school; I can't find my scissors anywhere! I looked in my desk and I asked everyone to look in theirs and I can't find them anywhere. I think leprechauns took them, I really do. And then at home, I keep losing my CD. Someone keeps taking it out of my CD player and hiding it! (*in this case, the leprechaun would be named William). I really think it's leprechauns doing this to me, because every March this stuff happens to me!
Seriously, she was so cute as she was getting worked up over this; I had to work really hard not to laugh. So while I was gone at Enrichment last night, the saga continued at home. Ryan told Claire that the reason the leprechauns weren't taking William's things from his room was because he had diapers in his room and leprechauns really hate diapers. So when I went to check on Claire, there was a diaper on the threshold of her room to ward off leprechauns and a diaper next to her pillow in case the one in the hallway didn't work. Thanks Ryan....
The other week, we had a friend, Saydee, come over and play with us. She is so sweet and her and William had a great time together. They played with Playdoh for a long time.
One more random tidbit: after our scripture study, we were trying to remember how the tune went to the First Article of Faith and kept saying "We believe in..." over and over trying to get the tune right. Then William breaks out in song from across the room where he is playing, "We believe in the yellow submarine, the yellow submarine, the yellow submarine". That boy has Beatles on the brain!
That is so funny! Hopefully she doesn't have nightmares. That diaper story is hilarious! Heath is alot like Ryan in that way. A terrible teaser. And half the time I get just as sucked in as the kids.
BTW Saydee loves William and being at your house. Thanks alot for watching her! Cute pics, if you get a chance could I get a copy :)
Well Claire, it is Friday the
13th, all sorts of odd things are happening! Watch out that the little green men don't team up with the boogie man. Also, we are so close to the Ides of March... Et tu, Brute? Yes, this March is the season of mischeif.
William's Beatles/Primary song is so funny!
Leave it to Ryan to solve the leprachaun problem! I hope Claire can sleep well at night knowing that her room is being guarded by diapers.
Uncle Erik would be so proud of William's devotion to The Beatles!
Those were some cute pictures of Rose!
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