I thought of a few funny things that I wanted to write about; they happened yesterday. Poor William is having a very hard time with his business down under. For some reason, he gets constipated for a couple of days and then in one day, we have an explosion. Now I'm sure you're wondering at this point, "Why is the world is she writing this?" and I promise I have point. So last night while he was crying and working hard, I took off his diaper to give him some more room to work. I was about to put him and Claire in the bath, so they were both naked at this point. I asked Ryan to go find the baby potty since William won't sit on the big toilet and see if that helps him go. So while Ryan is rummaging around the attic for the little potty, I have a crisis on my hands. William runs off to his room and pees on the floor and while I'm trying to get him back in the bathroom where there is at least linoleum and not carpet, he climbs on his bed and pees again - this time emptying his bladder on his down comforter, two blankets, and pillow. All the while, he's crying because his bum hurts, Claire is dancing around naked in the bathtub and I'm trying desperately to control the urine situation. I'm also trying to get a diaper to put it back on William since Ryan is taking his sweet time in the attic, completely oblivious to the chaos in the house. While I'm taking sheets off of the bed to keep it from soaking to the mattress, William is now in the living room using the couch as support as he tries, to once again, poop. I find him crying then rush him back to the bathroom, pooping as he runs. I tell naked Claire to go find Dad, and put William back on the big potty. Now mind you, this all happened in less than a minute. I finally chase Ryan down, grab the potty, put William on it and success!! Only one carpet spot, two blankets, a pillow and comforter later, and we are done. William is sweaty with a tear-streaked face, I am flustered and upset, naked Claire is still happily dancing around the empty bathtub, and Ryan asks, "what happened down here"? So with both kids in the tub, the poo flushed down the big toilet and the pee cleaned up, I can now bathe a screaming William (I wouldn't let him take his blanket in the bathtub).
I can laugh about it now, but at the time, it was not fun. The other funny thing that was really not funny at the time involved our alarm clock. A student in Ryan's lab graduated and left this fancy alarm clock in his cubicle for anyone to take. So Ryan took it because it had a radio on it and our current alarm clock didn't. This alarm clock has two alarms, a radio and some other buttons that we don't know what they do. So last night, we climb in bed around midnight, exhausted, and just as we both fall asleep, the alarm goes off. NO!!!! Ryan turns it off, and we go back to sleep. A few minutes later, after we had both fallen asleep, it goes off again! By this point I'm getting angry and am about to pull the plug and throw it out the back door. Ryan turns on the lamp and starts punching all of the buttons, trying to reset it. I lay there with my eyes squinted shut, waiting for the clicking sound of the buttons to stop. Notice that I didn't restart it myself - I think Ryan instinctively knew that this new alarm clock was his idea and that if I touched it, it would end up in the backyard or trash. So he fixed it and we apprehensively went back to sleep.
When I think about it, these two events are really quite boring and these types of things happen all of the time, but when you think back about your everyday life over the past years, it's hard to remember what is was you did all day. I remember big events and a few other things, but the everyday happenings and details are lost in my memory. That's why I like this blog - it's a chance to write about these little events that I know I will forget in a year from now (or sooner). Just a thought.