Wednesday, August 29, 2007


My husband and I have discovered something: September is the "catch-all" month. Fall is my favorite season; I love the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, the fall decorations, the start of school, etc. I love making my home warm and cozy on those cool nights. I love baking pumpkin bread and other delicious treats that makes my home smell like cloves, nutmeg and cinnamon. I also love to go to small towns during their fall festivals and browse through all of the homemade items, candles, ornaments, etc. I love pulling out the sweaters and warm flannel sheets. For many, many reasons, I love this upcoming season.

However, back to my original discovery of September being the month for everything. Because of all of the holidays in the upcoming months, everyone and every organization wants to have all of their activities, orientations, meetings, camp-outs, etc. all in the one month of September. Ryan and I had plans to go to a couple of historic towns nearby to visit during their fall festivals. We also had plans to go to the Botanical Garden to enjoy the cooler weather as we browse the late blooms. It was also when we wanted to go on a one night camp-out. We had all of these fabulous plans. But then life happens. So now we have something almost every weekend (except for when my in-laws come in a few weeks, it will be our excuse to get out of all of these obligations for a week) that will keep us from enjoying our family outings and the fall season. Of course there are some activities I am looking forward to (all of my ladies' nights, book group, etc). But now that the husband is the Scoutmaster for our ward, it is taking over all of our free nights and weekends. Oh well, maybe I should just accept the fact that September will ALWAYS be busy; maybe there will be some time in October to enjoy the season as a family.

In the end, I'm ready for fall and all of it's wonderful events and changes.

1 comment:

Molly said...

I love fall too. It is my favorite seasons for all the reasons you describe. I've noticed that with September and it seems like May is the same (or was for us this last year)
Good luck with all your activities and obligations.
And, September is the best month of all, my birthday! (Hint, hint)